
Sunday, March 7, 2010

crazy week

I am about to close a crazy long week for me...  Sleepless days & total head banging sleepy moments while at or tea are my last resort. Trying to dance along with the rhythm of my so called abnormal time clock since the beginning of Monday until Thursday.

Friday was more challenging day @ work. As three of my co supervisors got laid off by the management. Which i was totally shocked! I just hope they know what they were doing to these people. Even though upset for losing one close colleague of must continue for me. Making sure to keep your all guys team motivated despite the negative vibes around us. Taking phone calls and talking to CS counterparts in Ohio. Dealing with totally handicapped team as a couple of my guys are sick. And here comes the full load of jobs just when you are not a complete team. Pending reports to sort for two team members evaluation. Rush illustrations that i have to take care of. Although i really miss this task..after taking the new role as the team supervisor wasn't able to do much of illustrations at all. Guess  have to do multitasking!

Saturday morning comes & have to extend a couple of hours to finish some work. Head off to go pay my internet bills. Walk through so sunny day. After all these crazy things for my week. I still am grateful that i get the chance to revisit a place that has been part of my daily life for four years and some wonderful memories to recall. It is crossing this huge bridge connecting the city to another Island where we used to base @ work  It's been a long time I haven't been there and it feels good after all coming back.
Sunday...had my long dose of sleep. Go with mama to hear mass earlier of the day. Afternoon comes and i feel a bit lazy still..doodle a bit.  Evening comes and I am missing someone..he has been so quiet again.
Tomorrow will be another day... and so everything will be history..will snap out of this..just a crazy week.. 
 Have had my treat..a mint tea, nuts, chocolate cookies and some gummi candies! :-) case closed..