I started it with a delightful charm... cheers to these lovely flowers i bought on an early morning after a long day at work. Here comes the month of May... springtime for the other half of the globe. Summer time and the traditional festivity of Flores the Mayo "Flowers of May" for us here in my mother land.
This is a month where a lot of memories dearly holds to me..
Mama will celebrate her 52nd birthday this 5th..
Everyone will celebrating Mother's Day on the 2nd Sunday of May..
Counting back two years ago.. at the 26th of May I lost one special man in my life..and that is my PaPa...He passed away while on comatose from a tragic accident and eventually gave up the fight after three days.
This would be a bittersweet time for me to go through as i would look back those sad memories of May.
But i shall take each day with a strong heart...
Yesterday i was able to speak with my man..Today I got Dad's message... I am grateful enough for all these.
It reminds me that life no matter how bittersweet, there will still be wonderful moments for you to appreciate.